Unashamed Unafraid

When I was eighteen years old. I did not have anything figured out. I knew that I had to go on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; then go to school and get married. But what did I want to do? I had no clue what I wanted to do. That is not the case for Sami Bingham. She is a financial coach for her company Financial Business Solutions.She is a certified coach of Dave Ramsey Financial Solutions.

Show Notes

The Sami Bingham Story

When I was eighteen years old. I did not have anything figured out. I knew that I had to go on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; then go to school and get married. But what did I want to do? I had no clue what I wanted to do. That is not the case for Sami Bingham. She is a financial coach for her company Financial Business Solutions.She is a certified coach of Dave Ramsey Financial Solutions. 

Sami grew up in an artistic household. Her dad was an actor, director, producer and English major. Her mother was a dancer. So, naturally, she wanted to be on Broadway. She studied at Salt Lake School of performing arts. She also received a scholarship to the University of Utah to study musical theater. 

So, why is Sami’s name not on the big lights on Broadway right now? It is because she realized the environment within the performing arts was not a very secure and stable one. The culture can be very cutthroat and discouraging. That is when she went to her parents and told them she wanted to work individually with people and help them with their finances. So, naturally, performing arts goes hand in hand with accounting right? Sami found a lot of happiness in helping those people who could not see for themselves what money was doing to them and their relationships. She has some personal experience with this from her first marriage.

There were times in her first marriage when she did not know where the money was coming from to pay bills. Her ex-husband would sell off personal items to pawn shops to cover bills. Her ex sold off a very expensive guitar to a pawn shop. Sami felt betrayed about this because she had given that guitar to him on their first anniversary. 

Sami realized that something had to change. She realized that she needed to change her view and behavior with money. She realized this type of behavior is also found in pretty much every addictive behavior. She was not proud of the life she was living. She felt unworthy of Christ’s love and therefore did not go to church or have much of a relationship with Him before she married her first husband. 

After she was married, she realized she needed Jesus Christ in her life. Through the dark days of her marriage she knew she could only rely on Christ.  She also has come clean about some struggles with porn addictions and has been sober since she started listening to the podcast. She wants those who are going through similar struggles with finances, betrayal or addictive behaviors to know they are stronger than they think they are. There is always a way out. 

We are all stronger for getting to know Sami. She is an amazing person that has lived through both sides of addiction. She has felt betrayal, and been the one struggling with addiction. If you would like to know more about Sami Bingham you can visit her website, https://ramseycoach.com/financial-behavior-solutions You can also find her on Instagram and Facebook @financialbehaviorsolutions.  

We here at UnashamedUnafraid are also giving away two scholarships to Sami’s coaching classes. Please go to www.unashamedunafraid.com/scholarships for more information. If this episode resonates with you, or if you know someone who might benefit from it, please share the link to this episode with them. At Unashamed Unafraid, we are here to spread the words of hope and healing through Jesus Christ.  Subscribe and follow us on Facebook and Instagram @UnashamedUnafraid.

What is Unashamed Unafraid?

Unashamed Unafraid is a show dedicated to being unashamed about sexual addiction recovery and unafraid of coming unto Christ for healing. Pornography and sexual addiction are not something you are stuck with to manage your whole life. We share real men's and couple's stories of recovery, the best resources, and information from experts, and answer anonymous questions with those who know. All to help you on the path of being 100% healed from pornography and sexual addiction.