The Last Theater

Freddy's Revenge has become known more for its not-so-subtle subtext than for its qualifications as a valid entry in the Nightmare on Elm Street series, but is it any good for either of those reasons?

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The seconds Nightmare on Elm Street movie took a very different approach to the mythology of Freddy Krueger. More of a haunted house and possession movie, Freddy's Revenge was rushed into production after the success of the first film in the series. While its merits as a slasher movie and an entry in the Nightmare series are debatable, the not-so-subtle subtext about the main character has become what the movie is best known for. Listen as we discuss all of this and more as we look at A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's revenge in the second part of a ten-episode franchise retrospective for the Nightmare on Elm Street series!

What is The Last Theater?

Join chris and Joey as they explore the dark, forgotten side of film. From horror and exploitation, to b-movies, cult, trash cinema, and everything in-between, The Last Theater shows how even the movies mainstream audiences might find worthless have value. With reviews and discussions covering films and topics within the realm of the more extreme and often dismissed side of cinema, chris and Joey illuminate the vital role these types of films play in the larger pantheon of movie history.

Every movie has its audience, and every movie has value. One person's trash cinema is another person's treasure.