Office Talk Australia, Marketing for Architecture

Emma Williamson and Emma Brain are from The Fulcrum Agency, a design consultancy focused on social architecture based in Perth, Western Australia. Emma Williamson co-founded the agency with her partner Kieran Wong after 20 years running CODA studio, a medium-sized architecture practice. Emma Brain, who also came from the previous studio, is Fulcrum Agency’s head of communications.

The Fulcrum Agency focuses on addressing some of Australia’s most important social issues by providing research, strategy, community co-production and architectural design for projects in remote and disadvantaged communities throughout Australia.

In this episode, we discussed:
  • How their new business model provides advantages over the traditional architectural practice.
  • The different services they’ve developed to address the unique needs of the communities they work with.
  • How they’ve positioned their practice to differentiate from other architecture practices.
  • The importance of building trusting and long-lasting relationships with likeminded clients.
  • How their written content is produced, from their annual print journal to their regular blog posts and Instagram posts.
  • How other architects can begin to figure out their point and articulate it publicly – and why it’s so important to do that if you want to find high quality clients.
If you’d like to learn more about The Fulcrum Agency, you can visit or follow the practice on Instagram at

What is Office Talk Australia, Marketing for Architecture?

Office Talk Australia is a fortnightly podcast hosted by Dave Sharp, and a great excuse for him to have conversations with leading Australian architects about their businesses, work and lives. Since its inception, the Office Talk podcast has played host to a wide range of guests from across the country. Every chat has been a pleasure.