Business Partner Partners

David and Sarah Baker met in Boy Scouts as kids and although they took turns (that didn't align) being interested in each other, they finally got together in college. Soon after graduation, the moved to Prague, Czech Republic to open a hostel where they would live and work for five years and eventually have their first child. A barista competition in Prague got them interested in the world of coffee, and upon moving back to Greenville they met the people with whom they would start Methodical Coffee- a coffee shop with three locations in Greenville, SC and a large roasting facility in Traveler's Rest, SC. Sarah does all things money for the company and David does a "little bit of everything." (You'll hear all of his job nicknames in this ep!) We go into depth about what it's like to start a business abroad, how working together in the same business can keep you strong as a couple, when to stop talking about work, and if chicken stock is the next big alternate milk. There's so much to learn from and love about the Bakers. Give it a listen!

instagram: @methodicalcoffee

insta: @businesspartnerpartners


chrissy & ryan

What is Business Partner Partners?

Hi, we’re Chrissy and Ryan McCrary, spouses and business partners running a coffee shop and bar in Greenville, SC called Mountain Goat. We’re here to bring you along for the roller coaster of running a business together. We’ve experienced firsthand the loneliness of running a business - even together. We’re here to help you feel less lonely in your journey. Whether you run a business with your partner, on your own, or are just thinking of starting your journey. Join us for a behind-the-scenes look at not only our business but of other partners' businesses together and those that are on their own.