Business Design

The unconventional Rich Rudzinski’s creativity is a breath of fresh air. He designed his business and his bold, unusual look to set himself apart from the pack. Rich catches people’s attention with the story, branding, and solutions he provides. He talks about software tragedies, modern tech solutions, and why building high-caliber teams lead to scalable solutions. He also explains why your marketing needs a strong brand to back it up, and why his company is different from the others—and it’s not just because of the quirky name. Our conversation is just the beginning.

Show Notes

👽 Rich is an entrepreneur with a bold look that incorporates body modification and tattoos inspired by H.R. Giger’s art. 02:15
🤯 Helping businesses save themselves from software and technology “tragedies.” 03:17
🤝 Building high-caliber teams and focusing on long-term partnerships. 06:16
🧱 On educating and having the hard conversations with clients to get to the core goal of the project. 08:24
💫 The evolution of Tragic Media. 10:45 
🤏 On the prototyping process: “Starting small and really honing in on a niche market that you can move a needle fast on.” 12:46
🦄 Brands should be more expressive and step out of their “templates.” 15:45
😎 What to expect of technology in the future? 19:10

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What is Business Design ?

We talk to quirky, brilliant, successful folks who are able to smarten business down, sharing insights on great business design.

Guests are all thought leaders in their own niche, and we challenge them to speak outside of talking points, which ultimately should make for a few interesting minutes of listening.

Design your business for success, with a few thoughts from those who have been there.