The Gospel - A Basic Truth

Mark is the shortest Gospel of the four. You could sit down and read it in 4-5 hours. Which is great, although you may end up wanting to spend more time in it. 

The key verse of the book is Mark 10:45: "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Did you know that carried a special meaning to the original audience? Did you know that Matthew and Luke used the book of Mark (the oldest Gospel) to help write their Gospels? Lots to learn in this episode, all toward the goal of understanding the gospel and being the best witnesses we can be!

What is The Gospel - A Basic Truth?

A journey through scripture everywhere it outlines the gospel. Hear interviews on how to witness to different demographics, Learn how to defend your faith while sharing the Good News!