Talking WoW

Talking WoW Trailer Bonus Episode 55 Season 1

What We Think Of Battle Royale Plunderstorm So Far!

What We Think Of Battle Royale Plunderstorm So Far!What We Think Of Battle Royale Plunderstorm So Far!

We finally know what 10.2.6 is: a new battle royale game mode called Plunderstorm. In this episode of Talking WoW, we welcome Sean from the Recruit a Friend podcast to share our initial reactions to this mode, if we'll play beyond level 40 renowned, and how we feel about the mode overall after many hours collecting plunder.

A video version of this podcast with closed captions is also available on our YouTube Channel.

Guest Info

Creators & Guests

He/Him, Has Many Alts
He/Him, Lover of Reputation Grinds and Crowd Control
He/Him, Host of Recruit a Friend Podcast

What is Talking WoW?

Talking WoW is a podcast dedicated to everything World of Warcraft. Join hosts Thom, Marty, and sometimes guests as they delve into a particular topic in each episode regarding the world of Azeroth and beyond.