Guiding Generations

In this episode, Rabbi Shifman takes us through Parsha Korach, examining the dramatic story of Korach's rebellion against Moshe's leadership. We explore the nature of disputes within communities, distinguishing between destructive conflicts and those that are "for the sake of Heaven." Drawing insights from Pirkei Avot, Rabbi Shifman discusses how conflicts, when rooted in genuine values and communal benefit, can lead to constructive outcomes, unlike the divisive machlokas led by Korach. This discussion provides valuable perspectives on handling disagreements in our communities and families, emphasizing the importance of intention and respect in every debate.

What is Guiding Generations?

"Guiding Generations" with Rabbi Mordechai Shifman merges timeless Torah wisdom with contemporary parenting insights. Each episode draws from the weekly Torah portion, offering practical advice and spiritual guidance to help parents navigate the challenges of raising children with integrity, respect, and compassion. Join Rabbi Shifman as he connects ancient teachings to the realities of modern family life, empowering parents to cultivate a nurturing and value-driven home environment.