The Journal of Samuel Kelly

After an dealing with abuse from the captain and a young man who managed to be saved after falling overboard, Samuel returns to Great Britain where they pass the HMS Royal George sunk at Spithead. Just days earlier, the ship had been heeled over to stop a leak but too much weight was put on one side and the ship quickly took water. Many were drowned in the historic wreck with Samuel describing the dead bodies still littering the bay. 

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If you're interested in true history stories, this podcast is for you. The Journal of Samuel Kelly is a detailed diary kept by an 18th century sailor. It was discovered approximately 100 years after his death. The book is out of print with its final printing occurring around 1925 by the Fredrick A Stokes company.

What is The Journal of Samuel Kelly?

Follow an 18th century sailor as he describes his experiences at sea in his own words. Originally meant to be a log book, Kelly began writing detailed accounts of his adventures in the Leeward Islands, Spain, Great Britain and America along with the events that transpired aboard the boats in between these stops.