Taking a Stand: Point of View Marketing

Figma brings together the product development trifecta, allowing product designers, managers, and developers to collaborate from inception. They started off as a web-based platform, freeing users from the limitations of whatever hardware they possessed. This drove early adoption and grew into the strong community of Figma users that exists today. Tune into this episode how the PMM team is leveraging that community for its ability to innovate and inability to be replicated by competitors.

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What is Taking a Stand: Point of View Marketing?

Hosted by Peep Laja, Founder of CXL and CEO of Wynter, this series will cover how B2B tech companies like Gong, Asana, and Figma are using their point of view to stand out across their various channels and win market share. Tune in each Wednesday to hear how your company can take this new approach to differentiating in the crowded Saas space.