Field Advisor

The latest episode from the Soy Envoys brings a brief update on planting and field conditions across Illinois, with both corn and soybeans planting progress at 11 percent as of April 21st. 
While some areas have finished planting and others haven't even begun, some farmers are halfway done! The Envoys note a slowdown in planting in some regions due to recent rains, in contrast with full speed ahead in other areas. They highlight increasing weed pressure and urge farmers to uphold good stewardship practices for herbicide applications and adhere strictly to the herbicide label. Additionally, sightings of black cutworm moths and armyworms are on the rise. There are also concerns around herbicide cover crop termination. For last-minute cover crop termination tips, refer to this article from Jim Isermann. Despite challenges, the Envoys reassure farmers that there's still plenty of time for planting and not to panic….yet. 
The guests in today’s podcast include Karen Corrigan, McGillicuddy Corrigan Agronomics; Eric Beckett, Illini FS; Drew Beckman, Beck’s Hybrids; Shelby Weckel, Ehler Brothers Seed; Craig Grafton, Bayer Crop Science; Kelly Robertson, Precision Crop Services LLC, and Stephanie Porter, Illinois Soybean Association. Today’s podcast was hosted by Kelsey Litchfield, Agronomic Outreach Specialist for Illinois Soybean Association.

What is Field Advisor?

Field Advisor, funded by the Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) Checkoff Program, provides the latest agronomic information and on-farm research from local experts to help Illinois soybean producers improve yield and profitability.