Mullinger's Weekly Ramble

Mullinger's Weekly Ramble Trailer Bonus Episode 9 Season 1

Breakfast at Garden Grove Cafe with Ethan Ash

Breakfast at Garden Grove Cafe with Ethan AshBreakfast at Garden Grove Cafe with Ethan Ash

James rambles with his dear friend and performing partner Ethan Ash about surprises, bowling, donairs, Ritalin, Yip Cider, Valley Sands, mental health, their big show at the Imperial Theatre and the joyful past few weeks of rehearsals with the world class talents of the Saint John Youth Orchestra plus they answer all of your questions!
If you have questions for James or are looking for advice or recommendations, James will be happy to answer your questions on the show. Please email:

Rambled by James Mullinger
Produced by Podstarter

What is Mullinger's Weekly Ramble?

British comedian James Mullinger has taken Canada by storm. Sold out shows across the country, appearances on CBC's The Debaters, movies, TV shows, festivals, awards, magazines, stand up specials - since moving to Atlantic Canada ten years ago he's done it all. But right now, he just needs to ramble....

If you have questions for James or are looking for advice or recommendations, James will be happy to answer your questions on the show. Please email: