Press Play: Video Marketing Leaders

Press Play: Video Marketing Leaders Trailer Bonus Episode 23 Season 1

The Best New Boston Sports Team w/ Tim Torigian - N.E. Free Jacks Rugby

The Best New Boston Sports Team w/ Tim Torigian - N.E. Free Jacks RugbyThe Best New Boston Sports Team w/ Tim Torigian - N.E. Free Jacks Rugby

In this week’s episode of the Press Play Podcast, Tim Torigian joins host Derek Gerber to discuss marketing best practices. Tim is the Director of Corporate Partnerships for the New England Free Jacks, a professional rugby team based in Boston, Massachusetts, which recently completed its first season hosting home games.  Thanks for listening!

(0:38) Introducing Tim Torigian and the New England Free Jacks
(5:57) How digital marketing is spreading the Free Jacks name
(8:54) Showcasing partners
(13:24) The challenges of marketing a team in a major market
(17:00) What’s next?  
Derek Gerber
Tim Torigian
New England Free Jacks  

We can talk to people not just in New England, but we’ve got fans all over the county, if not all over the world, because our players are coming from all over the world.” (7:07) - Tim Torigian

As much as we liked being partners with [Delta], and it’s such a great value, but, you know, we love having them out at games.  We try to almost return the favor.  We want to make it so when people come out to a Free Jacks game, they have that same experience that they would have if they’re flying Delta.” (7:50) - Tim Torigian

Whenever we have someone who we think is going to be a good fit and we have some great conversations, there’s no shortage of creativity.  And kudos to our team and our management.  They give us a lot of flexibility and say ‘If you guys have a good idea, let’s run with it.  Let’s see what can happen.’” (11:32) - Tim Torigian

What is Press Play: Video Marketing Leaders?

Press Play is a video podcast dedicated to serving executive teams and professional marketers by breaking down the mystery behind the world's most popular medium for communication. We share our expertise by providing all of the best analyses, strategies, and practices available. Let us show you how to establish brand awareness, create noteworthy educational content, and drive insane amounts of revenue! Hosted by Derek Gerber. Powered by Explainify. Visit to schedule a call.