Be with the Word

Be with the Word Trailer Bonus Episode 57 Season 1

Fatherhood: What it Means to be a Good Man and a Good Father

Fatherhood: What it Means to be a Good Man and a Good FatherFatherhood: What it Means to be a Good Man and a Good Father


Dr. Gerry discusses what it is to be a good father. How is fathering different from mothering?

Show Notes

Dr. Gerry discusses what it is to be a good father. How is fathering different from mothering? The "essentialist" position says that fatherhood is universal and biologically based. It also says that without a father figure there are negative developmental outcomes for boys. Dr. Gerry discusses how postmodern social constructivism defines fatherhood and masculinity. Dr. Gerry shares his own experience of fathering and being a stay at home dad. Research studies show the favorable outcomes of positive father involvement and warmth and closeness. There is a discussion of gender norms for men and how this brings pressure for men. Dr. Gerry also discusses not only being a provider and protector but also how to access the "true self" which includes qualities such as curiosity, courage, compassion, creativity, patience, faithfulness, playfulness, connectedness, and presence. 

What is Be with the Word?

“Be With The Word” is a weekly podcast from Souls and Hearts with Dr. Gerry Crete, marriage and family therapist. The hosts delve into human and psychological issues that surface in the upcoming Sunday Mass readings.