Women-Owned Wednesday

In this episode of our Women-Owned Wednesday podcast, Key4Women Director Barb Smith and Kaitlin Walsh-Epstein, vice president of marketing at Laurel Road, have a robust discussion about the financial challenges women face. They also share how you can set yourself up for a better financial future.

Show Notes

While progress has been made, the gender wage gap isn’t going away any time soon. According to The World Economic Forum,* gender parity will take more than 200 years from now to achieve. That’s why it’s more important than ever for women to master their finances now.

Research and education can help you take steps to bridge the gap. From knowing your worth and how to negotiate it to working with a financial advisor, knowledge is power.

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* World Economic Forum. http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GGGR_2018.pdf.

What is Women-Owned Wednesday?

Advice & insights for women in business.

The views and opinions expressed on the ‘Women Owned Wednesday’ Key4Women podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of KeyCorp.

All credit products are subject to credit approval.

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