
Join Keeley Jones and Barbara (aka Cody Bayles and Dan Phillips) as they go #beyondFLG with Jack Stauss, Outreach Director for the Glen Canyon Institute.  Jack's passion for the red rock and Glen Canyon comes from years of higher education and experiential learning. Recently, he finished his graduate work at the University of Utah in Environmental Humanities where he focused on public lands and environmental communication. Jack has previously interned with Save Our Canyons and the Salzburg Global Seminar. He has worked for GCI since 2016. 

In this episode, Jack shares the history of Glen Canyon, how he became connected with the Institute, what recommendations the institute has for the current situation, and a variety of experiences he’s had while exploring and developing a relationship with the canyon. 

Thanks for joining us as we go #beyondFLG with Jack Stauss


What is #beyondFLG?

Flagstaff is a remarkable place full or remarkable people. Some may even say that Flagstaff is the best place on Earth and some may say that such a statement is hyperbolic. Either way, there is no other place exactly like it, and that includes the people that contribute to it. Flagstaff is full of people with diverse backgrounds that possess a wide range of interests, skills, and stories. This variety of interests, skills, and stories contributes to the textured and unique feel of the area.

#BeyondFLG is a podcast aimed at highlighting the natural beauty of this region and the peoples that contribute to it. Some may describe this podcast as award winning based on the badges given to it through the podcast platform while others may say that the show is underproduced and overstated. #beyondFLG is hosted by two local psychologists and founders of Beyond the Pines, A Flagstaff Wellness Collective; Cody Bayles and Dan Phillips. Their values lie in promoting connection to self, others, and the natural world and their efforts occasionally hit somewhere near that mark, let’s say adjacent to it. Join them as they go #beyondFLG with members of the Flagstaff community and explore the overall connection to the area, their craft, and others.