Ad Speaks Houston: A Podcast by the American Advertising Foundation - Houston Chapter

For 2019, AAF-Houston hasn't missed a beat on the things that make an organization attractive and on the grow. AAFH Beer's with Peers is set for May 1st at Houston's Karbach Brewing Company. And with a World Cup Soccer bid up for grabs, AAFH brings the folks that can make it happen to our AAFH Luncheon, May 15th.

Show Notes

So what if Houston grabbed a World Cup Soccer Championship for our city in 2026?  That would be beyond pretty cool.  It just might happen, and the folks that can do that, like Chris Canetti, Brian Ching, and Alex Lopez Negrete will tell us what's being done right now to make it happen.  Join AAFH at our May 15th Luncheon to find out.  And head to the Karbach Brewing Company on May 1st for our Beer's with Peers event, a must attend evening for those in our industry. Check out of our events at

Ad Speaks Houston is a Houston audio production of Radio Lounge:  Houston voice-over classes, Houston podcasting studio

What is Ad Speaks Houston: A Podcast by the American Advertising Foundation - Houston Chapter?

Ad Speaks Houston takes you behind the scenes with the people and programs that make the American Advertising Federation - Houston Chapter (AAF-Houston) one of the top Ad Clubs in the country. Great conversations about how this club reaches a broad base of multi-cultural creatives and marketing professionals, and how it continues to lead the way in membership and growth.