What the HealthTech?

Discover the essence of quality healthcare with North West Surrey Integrated Care Services (NICS), a GP federation leading collaborative efforts across 38 GP services. 

Join Marion Shipman, Head of Quality and Governance, and Nicki-Mantel Cooper, Medical Director, from NICS as they delve into a range of topics— from triangulating feedback and anticipated changes linked to the CQC single framework assessment to exploring simple yet effective methods of capturing feedback.

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What is What the HealthTech??

What The HealthTech?, a podcast from Radar Healthcare, creates a space for health and social care professionals to join honest conversations about current trends, challenges in the sector and making an impact on people’s lives.
In our bi-weekly Thursday episodes, we’ll be chatting to industry leaders, inspiring organisations, and our own team at Radar Healthcare, to share insight and learn alongside you.
Listen today to discover something new, and don’t forget to subscribe!