Agrifood Brief

What do Roman gods and vices have to do with agriculture? Find out in this week's EURACTIV agrifood podcast, where we delve deeper into the publication of the EU's Beating Cancer Plan and what this holds in store for the agrifood sector and we speak with MEP Herbert Dorfmann, agricultural coordinator for the EPP, about this week's amendments on the Farm to Fork strategy and what this means for the future of the strategy. 

Show Notes

What do Roman gods and vices have to do with agriculture? Find out in this week's EURACTIV agrifood podcast, where we delve deeper into the publication of the EU's Beating Cancer Plan and what this holds in store for the agrifood sector and we speak with MEP Herbert Dorfmann, agricultural coordinator for the EPP, about this week's amendments on the Farm to Fork strategy and what this means for the future of the strategy. 

What is Agrifood Brief?

Welcome to EURACTIV's AgriFood Brief, your weekly update on all things Agriculture & Food in the EU from EURACTIV's Agrifood news team: Gerardo Fortuna and Natasha Foote