From The Prophet (s) to Yazid: What Went Wrong - Mizan Institute

The Battle of Siffin can be seen as the natural outcome of the Battle of Jamal. The Battle of Jamal paved the way for those who were enemies of Islam to now have an excuse to fight the caliph of the Muslims, even if they were absolutely inferior to Imam Ali (as) when it came to companionship of the prophet (s). The worst part of this battle was the imposed arbitration that led to the added strength to Muawiyah and his rule.

What is From The Prophet (s) to Yazid: What Went Wrong - Mizan Institute ?

History is all about turning points; events changing the course of things and directing them in other directions. These turning points do not take place overnight and usually, if not always, have deep roots that have grown over time and in effect of certain circumstances. Without a doubt, one of the greatest turning points of Islamic history is the tragedy of Ashura. This tragedy has cast its shadow not only on Islam and its history, but continues to have an impact on even the world we live in today.
One of the major and most significant questions that poses itself regarding Ashura, is the one asking what led to such a tragedy. Why was the beloved grandson of the holy prophet of Islam (SAWW) slaughtered in such a manner only around fifty years after the demise of the prophet (SAWW), and by his own people? What prepared the grounds for such an atrocity? Was it planned? Was it just coincidence? In a nutshell, what went wrong?!