Adventures in Progress

After a harrowing battle that left one of their own dead and recently revived, the adventurers left the mage tower of Ul'Venar with Urric and head back into the city proper just as troops of the Blessed Guide arrive, bringing an acquaintance of the party, Jaben Methodius, back into their orbit.

Show Notes

After a harrowing battle that left one of their own dead and recently revived, the adventurers left the mage tower of Ul'Venar with Urric and head back into the city proper just as troops of the Blessed Guide arrive, bringing an acquaintance of the party, Jaben Methodius, back into their orbit. Now they have to decide whether this man is friend or foe before heading into the forest in order to stop the summoning of the Guardian. But first, they must find where the followers of Sylas have gone to.

What is Adventures in Progress?

We are a Dungeon and Dragons podcast focusing on roleplaying and storytelling with a strong narrative along with humor and good cheer. Come and join us each week for a stirring adventure of strength, emotion, and collaboration as we follow the journeys of these characters brought to life by an extraordinary cast.