Data-Driven Selling By Sales Insights Lab

Be sure to register for my free training on, "The 5-Step Formula to Closing More Deals without the Price Pushback, 'Think-It-Overs' or Ghosting"

Today, we're diving deep into a high-stakes topic that makes many in sales visibly shudder—the Alpha Prospect. These are the tough, intimidating sorts that can dominate a sale, often leaving even the most seasoned reps feeling like they've stepped into the ring with a heavyweight champion. But fear not! Coach Tiffany and I are here to deconstruct the mythos of the alpha prospect and provide you with the game plan to not only survive but thrive in these daunting encounters.

We'll be revealing why it's essential to stand your ground. We show you that sales, at its core, is a game—a game where intimidation is purely psychological and can be conquered through a steadfast strategy and an unwavering mind frame.

From reframing our perspective, to sticking to our process, engaging fully in the conversation, and delivering undeniable value, we're unpacking the tactical approaches that will help you engage with alpha prospects on an equal footing, turning potential adversaries into allies in your sales journey.

By the end of our conversation, you'll be equipped with the insights and confidence needed to tackle those high-octane sales meetings. Change the way you perceive these prospects and transform trepidation into excitement. Remember, it's just a game, and we're here to win.

Sales Strategies for High-Value Clients: "Alpha prospects are some of those people that can, like you have nightmares about actually running into a sales scenario with, but in reality they're people just like anybody else. And if you're coming in with a strong strategy, you're going to be fine with them."
— Coach Tiffany [00:00:4600:01:00]

Navigating Power Dynamics: "And they, you know, a lot of times people in this space are walking around thinking like you're either a predator or you're prey and you're kind of walking in with that sign that says you're one or the other."
— Coach Tiffany [00:03:1600:03:27]

Business Communication Candidness: "Exactly. And they're not taking the meeting to be nice. And you'll know where you stand with them, which is really cool. They'll tell you. They'll be really blunt often and say, I don't see how this makes sense. Or they'll tell you, like, I can kind of see that. And you know exactly where you stand."
— Coach Tiffany [00:04:3600:04:50]

Sales Leadership in Negotiations: "What they want to have happen. The issue is that in sales, you have to take that leadership position and own this opportunity for them. So you have to define it by your process and not let them push you into a space where they're deciding and dictating what comes next or how things go."
— Coach Tiffany [00:05:2800:05:43]

Sales Approach Wisdom: "sales is about having a conversation. It's not about a performance."
— Coach Tiffany [00:06:4800:06:51]

The Art of Conversation: "And that back and forth that happens with somebody when you're just, like, kind of guiding them through questions can be so powerful for them. And that's what usually breaks that wall that they've got built up around what they really think or what's going on in their situation."
— Coach Tiffany [00:07:5900:08:14]

Building Better Business Relationships: "Yeah. It takes them from feeling like adversaries to feeling like partners. Right. Like, that's the goal. That's the trajectory you're aiming for."
— Coach Tiffany [00:08:5800:09:04]

Understanding Value in Sales: "It's what they're fishing for. It's the thing that's going to open up the door and they're not looking at value as like, what can you tell me about your service?"
— Coach Tiffany [00:10:3200:10:41]

Understanding Sales Dynamics: "Every time you show up to a sales experience, you're kind of just, like, exploring the space and being like, oh, so that's the game we're going to be playing today. And then you can really come at them from this, like, informed perspective."
— Coach Tiffany [00:12:3300:12:44]

Turning Anxiety into Excitement: "when your heart starts to beat faster and stuff like that, there's no real difference physiologically between excitement and anxiousness. So I would always just say as like, oh, I'm excited."
— Coach Tiffany [00:13:4300:13:55]

Creators & Guests

Marc Wayshak
Founder of Sales Insight Labs | Host of Data Driven Selling Podcast | Sales Data Geek
Cameron Stack
Producer | Partner at Podcast Sins Production and Strategy Firm

What is Data-Driven Selling By Sales Insights Lab?

This data-driven sales podcast helps reps and business owners generate more meetings and close more sales at higher prices without the cheezy old-school high-pressure sales tactics.

Each Thursday, we will give you step-by-step techniques that you can immediately implement into your daily selling to blow up your sales.

Also, be sure to register for the free training on the 5-Step Formula to Closing More Deals without Price Pushback, ‘Think-It-Overs’ and Ghosting by visiting