
In this week's episode, we take a look at Microsoft Entra Verified ID. What is it? What are decentralized identities? Do I need blockchain? Can I self-host it? We chatted about our findings and ideas about this interesting service. Also, Tobi asks Jussi an unexpected question. This episode sponsored by Sovelto.

Show Notes

(00:00) - Intro and catching up.
(04:03) - Show content starts.

Show links
- Decentralized identity and verifiable credentials whitepaper (Microsoft Security)
- Set up Microsoft Entra Verified ID (Microsoft Learn)

This episode is sponsored by Sovelto.
We at Sovelto support your personal growth, keep your Azure skills up to date and increase your market value. Learn or expire: sovelto.fi/pro 

Creators & Guests

Jussi Roine | Microsoft MVP
Hey 👋 Awesome with Security + AI. Building high-performing businesses | Microsoft MVP/MCM/MCT | Ctrl+Alt+Azure 🎙️ | Dad of 3 | Powerlifting + 🥦
Tobias Zimmergren
Principal Content Lead @Microsoft. Co-host @CtrlAltAzure. Tweets about #azure, #security, #cybersecurity, #architecture, and more. Ex MVP (13yrs)

What is Ctrl+Alt+Azure?

This is the Ctrl+Alt+Azure podcast. We talk about all things Microsoft Azure and share our experiences and thoughts on the way. Your hosts are Tobias Zimmergren and Jussi Roine.