Process with Marcella Chamorro: Creativity | Mindset | Mental Health

My guest on this episode is Jason Zook, an entrepreneur daring enough to make a living wearing t-shirts, selling his last name, and most recently selling his entire future. WHAT?

Show Notes

Thanks for tuning in to episode #009 of Process! Are you ready for the awesomeness about to ensue?! :-)
Let's get to it.
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My guest on this episode is Jason Zook, an entrepreneur daring enough to make a living wearing t-shirts, selling his last name, and most recently selling his entire future. During our conversation, we talk about:
  • How he found a way to stop doing the one thing he hates: selling
  • Coming up with the price on his latest project
  • Why he chose to journal his creation process (including fears and doubts) on Medium
  • Who he turns to for encouragement and overcoming fear
  • Who he doesn't turn to for feedback
  • What a regular day is like
  • A book that's helped him embrace the low moments he faces
  • Why he thinks struggles and lows are super important
Here's my favorite quote from our conversation:
"Your hurdles and unfortunate events and lows are pivotal moments that take you to success and achievement. "
Show Notes
Throughout our conversation, we mention different sites and events which I'm linking to below:
- You can find Jason online here: BuyMyFuture / Jason's blog / on Twitter
- Project Galaxy 60-day journal on Medium
- Misfit Con, an awesome event in Fargo, North Dakota we've both attended (and where we met!)
- Ryan Holiday's book The Obstacle is The Way
Thanks for listening! And a huge thanks to Jason for joining me on this episode #009 of Process.
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What is Process with Marcella Chamorro: Creativity | Mindset | Mental Health?

Process is a podcast for creators and makers who struggle to manage the ups and downs of a creative life, despite the impact they make on our world. Hosted by Marcella Chamorro, this show reveals strategies and stories for managing the rollercoaster of creativity. Discover how you can maintain a peaceful mindset throughout your creative journey. While Marcella confesses she isn't a licensed coach or therapist, she shares the practical methods she's used to experience peace of mind and creative flow throughout all her projects. More importantly, she interviews successful entrepreneurs and creatives from all walks of life to tell their stories and share what has worked for them in the past, including how to avoid burnout, when to put yourself first, what advice to follow when making a big life or business change, and more. Get ready to deep dive into topics such as meditation, zen practices, stoicism, journaling, morning pages, entrepreneurship, failure, and all sorts of tools that can help makers live a more peaceful and creative life.