Influencers Global Ministries

Influencers Global Ministries Trailer Bonus Episode 339 Season 1

The Spanish Journey is NOT just for Latin America

On a recent trip to Bakersfield, Bryan sat down with John Vasquez and Gregorio Ramirez who have been part of some of the first Spanish-speaking Journey groups in the United States.  Hear about the experience, and you will continue to see how God is using The Journey across all cultures.  We continue to pray for the Spanish curriculum to reach Spanish-speaking groups all over the U.S. and this Bakersfield group gives us great encouragement.

What is Influencers Global Ministries?

Our Mission:
To encourage and influence individuals toward an abiding relationship with Jesus Christ, through a journey to spiritual intimacy.

Our Vision:
To transform lives through a 9-month Journey, enabling them to be a positive influence to their world around them.