Humans of Agriculture

This week we are sitting down with Nick Crundall the CEO of Market Check a specialist grain marketing advisor.

Nick grew up in Sydney's Eastern Suburbs, his connection to agriculture was fairly minimal however today, he's determined to show kids just like him, the careers and opportunities in agriculture.

Initially he wanted to be a real estate agent, it was the interest in economics that saw him apply for and be accepted to Agriculture Economics at Sydney Uni before a summer internship with Meat and Livestock Australia solidified his interest and passion in Agriculture.

Since then, his career moves and interests have been well thought out, leaning on mentors, friends and the broader network to ultimately become a CEO in his mid-30's.

In this episode we chat about:
  • Leadership in an emerging agriculture business
  • Career Advice and decision making
  • Connecting Rural and Urban Australians
  • The Vast opportunities in agriculture
  • Building a career in agriculture in a capital city
  • Communication, business strategy and team dynamics

Partner: Nuffield Australia - If you're interested in applying for a Nuffield Scholarship and join a global alumni network of more than 2,000 scholars, head to

Sponsor: Boarding Schools Expo
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What is Humans of Agriculture?

Welcome to Humans of Agriculture. This podcast series is dedicated to discovering more about our food system, from the people involved in it.

Along the journey we'll be meeting people from all walks of life from Australia and from afar. Join us as we find out how our communities and our culture shape what we eat, and ultimately who we are.
​More people, More often, Identifying with Agriculture