Peggy Joyce Ruth

God has given each of us free will and the power to choose. This is the most important right we have been given and our decisions set the course for our life. God has placed much of our destiny in our hands. So it is vital that we don't give our authority over to the enemy as Adam did in the garden. He handed our authority over to the enemy. But Jesus won back that authority by overcoming sin and death on the cross and has again put the choice back in our hands. 

What is Peggy Joyce Ruth?

Peggy Joyce Ruth, aka "the Psalm 91 Lady" is author of a variety of Psalm 91 book titles with over six million copies in print. She taught a weekly Adult Bible Study for more than 35 years in her church in Central Texas as she shared how to make God’s Word your final authority. Known for her easy-to-understand style of communicating the Word of God and warm storytelling, Peggy Joyce's heart is that her books and teachings will bring you into the same freedom from fear she experienced and help you put God's Word to work ​in your life.