The Lesley Riddoch Podcast

The Lesley Riddoch Podcast Trailer Bonus Episode 669 Season 1

Parks Life

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Indyref2 in the first part of this parliamentary term was an SNP manifesto commitment. Will it be up to the activism of the SNP membership to ensure this promise is delivered?

Show Notes

Like death and taxes there's currently no escape from the strains of "It's coming home". 
We reflect on the complexities and contradictions of a multi-cultural England football team representing,what seems to be,an increasingly xenophobic,insular English polity, and the hypocrisy of the UK government riding on the coattails of its success.
Indyref2 in the first part of this parliamentary term was an SNP manifesto commitment.  We explore the vital role of the SNP membership to deliver on this promise for the whole Yes movement.
It came as no surprise to most of us when Dominic Cummings revealed that Boris Johnson was an "unthinking unionist" who,despite all the spin, would gladly see devolution dismantled. However we ask if Johnson is the aberration or the norm for UK Prime Ministers for whom devolution is a bulwark against Scottish independence rather than a solution to the failings of a centralised state.
Devolution did see the creation of Scotland's two national parks. But are they hamstrung by competing priorities,acquiescent leadership,and most importantly the private ownership and control of vast areas of Scotland?
As usual there are the usual meanderings,mostly to do with cycling this week, along the way.
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What is The Lesley Riddoch Podcast?

Scottish politics dissected from a left, pro-independence stance. Each week, award-winning broadcaster and journalist, Lesley Riddoch chews over the week’s news with former media lecturer and Dundee United fan, Pat Joyce. If you like intelligent, quirky chat about Scottish society and culture, and Scottish, UK and international politics analysed from a Scottish perspective; this podcast is for you.