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Edge of Mind Podcast
Episode 4
Season 1
Lucid Dreaming Author Robert Waggoner on Dream Events That Led Him to Deep Psycho-Spiritual Growth
In this delightful interview you’ll get a taste for why Robert Waggoner is one of the leading voices of lucid dreaming in the West. For over forty years Robert has logged over 1000 lucid dreams, and the stories he shares are just amazing. This interview reveals the spirit of proper sharing, and why our discussion forum is integral to Night Club.
Robert fearlessly and generously talks about dream events that “cracked open my world,” and led him to deep psycho-spiritual growth. So much of what he shares is resonant with Buddhist dream and sleep yoga – which is noteworthy because he was not a Buddhist when he had these powerful experiences. Robert aspires to use lucid dreaming “to go beyond lucid dreaming, to discover the nature of reality.” The cast of characters he runs into in his dreams, and then in real life, will send a chill up your spine. We talk about fear, sleep yoga, zones of learning, dreams of premonition, going to the energy in your dreams, and even a dose of bardo yoga when Robert shares that in order to go deeper, “I had to agree to cease to be.”
My conversation with Robert Waggoner continues as we discuss his “go-to” methods for inducing lucidity, which in addition to the wake-and-back-to-bed method is largely about creating a lucid mindset. Robert shares his advice for how to work with discouragement, and suggests being “playfully persistent,” relating to the entire lucidity project as a game. In other words, lighten up, relax and have fun — “Loosen up dude.” Take a break. We talk about the importance of honoring and valuing our non-lucid dreams and their symbolism, the relationship of lucid dreaming to hypnosis, and then how to work with fear – which can subliminally derail our lucid dreams. The conversation then turns to how lucid dreaming can be used for healing, with some remarkable stories that support this claim.
Robert is that rare being who has dedicated his life to lucid dreaming, and his passion for this topic is contagious.