Lisa tells the tale of “The Fox and the Grapes” and explores its themes of perseverance and emotional intelligence. This timeless story offers a range of insights for entrepreneurs — from the pitfalls of rationalizing failure to the importance of resilience, innovation, and setting realistic goals.
Story Coach Lisa Bloom is the go-to expert on business story-telling. For decades she’s helped entrepreneurs master this important but overlooked skill. In Once Upon a Business, she’s turning her attention from the craft of storytelling to the stories themselves — the densely evocative folk and fairy tales that we’re all exposed to.
In each episode of Once Upon a Business, Lisa tells a fairy or folk tale and then extracts rich business lessons that are applicable for entrepreneurs of all stripes. As she puts it, a tiny tale of nine sentences can encompass worlds.
Host Bio:
Following a successful corporate career,
Lisa Bloom became an entrepreneur, author, speaker and coach. She built a global business
Story Coach, supporting corporates, entrepreneurs and coaches with speaking mastery, leadership capability and marketing impact. Lisa is the author of
Seven Stories That Sell and
The Story Advantage.
Lisa is also the
Director of Mirasee’s ACES Business Acceleration Program, helping entrepreneurs to achieve outstanding results in the growth of their business. There’s nothing Lisa loves more than to spend time with her partner and their four sons, walk her dog, travel, read, and share stories.
Resources or websites mentioned in this episode:
MiraseeThe Story CoachLisa Bloom’s books:
The Story Advantage and
Seven Stories That Sell
Host: Lisa Bloom
Producer: Michi Lantz
Executive Producer: Danny Iny
Audio Editor: Marvin del Rosario
Music Soundscape:
Chad Michael SnavelyTo catch more great episodes coming up on
Once Upon A Business, please follow us on
Mirasee FM's YouTube channel or your favorite podcast player. And if you enjoyed the show, please leave us a comment or a starred review. It's the best way to help us get these ideas to more people.
If you have a question for
Once Upon a Business, put the show title in the subject line and send it to
Music credits:
Track Title:
Places in Dreams
Artist Name: Alsever Lake
Writer Name: Adrian Dominic Walther
Publisher Name:
Artist Name: Hale
Writer Name: Cory Hale Williams
Publisher Name:
Artist Name: AK
Publisher Name:
UppbeatSpecial effects credits:
24990513_birds-chirping_by_promission used with permission of the author and under license by AudioJungle/Envato Market.
All other sound effects are licensed under Soundstripe.
Episode transcript: The Fox and The Grapes.