Major Topics Discussed:
  1. Introduction and Weekly Activity Recap
  2. The Seven Fs of Health and Fulfillment Overview
  3. In-Depth Look at Each F:
    • Fitness (brief mention)
    • Food
    • Friends and Family
    • Fun
    • Finances
    • Fatigue
    • Faith
Chapters and Timeline:
00:08 - 02:39: Introduction and Weekly Activity Recap
  • Kolby discusses his activities from the past week, including CrossFit sessions, beach workouts, and lifeguarding.
02:40 - 04:53: Fitness and General Health
  • Brief mention of fitness as one of the key aspects of health and introduction to the main topic of the podcast.
04:54 - 07:12: Introduction to the Seven Fs of Health and Fulfillment
  • Kolby outlines the seven Fs: Fitness, Food, Friends and Family, Fun, Finances, Fatigue, and Faith.
  • Explanation of the importance of competency in each area for overall health and fulfillment.
07:13 - 09:18: Food
  • Discussion on the significance of food and nutrition in maintaining health.
  • Tips on making better food choices for long-term wellness.
09:19 - 10:56: Finances
  • Importance of financial competency.
  • Key aspects: budgeting and financial planning for long-term success and security.
10:57 - 11:54: Friends and Family
  • The role of relationships in health and fulfillment.
  • Objective metrics for maintaining healthy relationships: date nights, family dinners, social gatherings.
11:55 - 13:58: Fun
  • The importance of incorporating fun and play into life.
  • Definition of play and how it contributes to overall health and enjoyment.
  • Metrics for fun: engaging in activities outside of work.
13:59 - 18:26: Fatigue
  • Discussion on fatigue, sleep, and mental health.
  • Metrics: tracking sleep, journaling for mental health, and reflecting on life.
18:27 - 22:23: Faith
  • Definition of faith as belief or commitment in something greater than oneself.
  • Examples include religion, the universe, karma, or a cause.
  • How faith contributes to fulfillment and health.
22:24 - 27:23: Future Discussions and Closing Thoughts
  • Kolby talks about potential future podcasts focusing on each of the seven Fs.
  • Encourages listeners to reach out with topics they want to hear more about.
  • Reflection on his personal health assessment and areas for improvement.
27:24 - 29:00: Closing Remarks
  • Encouragement to stay active and engaged.
  • Invitation to interact through email and social media.
  • Reminder to rate and subscribe to the podcast.


MVMNTFORLIFE discusses things that will allow you to stay moving throughout your life. The podcast hosts are JR Jaquay, a professional gymnastics coach with 31 years of experience and Level 2 CrossFit Trainer and co-host Kolby Krystofik, a certified Level 3 CrossFit Coach with a Sports Medicine degree from Pepperdine University and Owner of CrossFit affiliate Oxnard Movement.
Each week JR and Kolby will discuss modes of movements as well as support systems from data, fun fun conversations and special guests who are experts in their fields.
Weekly episodes begin airing January 2024.