Small Victories
Episode 3
Season 2
203: Girl, Don't do it!
Little Marisol Montgomery has been channeling her inner Mother Teresa. For the past month she has not missed a single volunteering session at the food bank. Which definitely has everything to do with the fact that it's a good thing and nothing at all to do with the person she is volunteering with. Because that would be inappropriate. And Nina wouldn't like it. And that would mean the Host was right, which would be a supreme blow to the ego.
Starring: Mo McKynzie as Marisol. Yodeet Nymberg as Nina. Chinna Palmer as The Stranger. Lolita Marie as Summer. Akanimo Effang as Host.
Crew: Jade Madison Scott (Writer/Creator/Producer). Nathan Gabriel (Director/Sound Designer/Script Consultant). Virginia Wilson (Supervising Producer). Will Stokes (Associate Producer). Michael Rondstadt (Assistant Sound Designer). Sterlyn Termine (Composer). Julia Patrick (Logo Artist)
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