Australian Survivor Archives

It's time to once again take a brief break in covering the episodes and interviewing the players as we sit down with the composer of the theme music for Australian Survivor Season 2 Jay Stewart to chat about his unique music and theme that holds a unique place in the history of Australian Survivor! Jay discusses just how he came up with the theme, what influences he took for it, just why his name is credited alongside the iconic Russ Landau in each episode as well as where he ranks his take on the Survivor theme among all the many other iconic Australian TV themes he has composed. Prepare to entertained and educated all at the same time!

Show Notes

It's time to once again take a brief break in covering the episodes and interviewing the players as we sit down with the composer of the theme music for Australian Survivor Season 2 Jay Stewart to chat about his unique music and theme that holds a unique place in the history of Australian Survivor! Jay discusses just how he came up with the theme, what influences he took for it, the unique way he was able to blend so many different sounds together as well as discussing some of the other iconic Australian TV themes he has been involved with. Prepare to entertained and educated all at the same time!

What is Australian Survivor Archives?

Join Ben Waterworth and former Australian Survivor contestant Matt Dyson as they chronicle the history of the Australian version of Survivor, from the very beginning in 2002 right through to the modern day. Featuring in-depth analysis, interviews and everything else in between