Thought Leader

The charismatic Fahd Alhattab is a millennial-workplace expert and Unicorn Leadership coach for Unicorn Lab, specializing in training new managers to become leaders of start-up teams.
Fahd explains what unicorn leadership is and how he trains young leaders to lead from a deeply empathetic and human place. As a born Kuwaiti, Fahd shares his experience moving to Canada and being a translator of language, values, and culture for his family and having a broader perspective on the society he is living in. Passionate about transforming teams, coming from a deep belief that humans are inherently good, and shifting the perspective on how we see each other are the main streams of Fahd’s life and work in creating a better human society.

Show Notes

🤓 Short practice of Arabic: born in Kuwait but has lived in Canada for 23 years.  00:49
🧆 Kuwait and Iraq cuisine is very similar: fish market. 02:19
☮️ Peace is possible. 03:26
😇 Fahd visit to New York: being a translator of culture and truth  in the USA in the ’90s 04:38
🦄 Building a leadership development agency that works specifically on intergenerational leadership. 07:58
🎩 All Fahd’s leadership hats: It all started when he was 17. 10:05
🎓 Education failed in building leadership skills: Obsession with specialization in universities. 14:51
💲 What is a unicorn company: Without people, you can’t create a unicorn startup. 17:04
 ❗ Grandiose charismatic leaders we talk about today were crappy leaders, especially in people management. 18:38
💸 Growing leaders vs. buying leaders: managers and performance are connected 20:47
✨ “Training, learning, and development are channels for a larger vision.” Don’t concede your work around the myth ‘the people will take advantage of me.’ 24:12
💊 Teaching a new way of leadership: the need for motivation is a symptom of something being wrong.  27:26

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