The Elevated Coach Podcast

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  • Life is telling Graham to stand his ground and trust his own intuitive wisdom.
  • Graham's mentor, Bruce Lyon, has been a guiding force in his life.
  • Graham's gift is his genuine care and compassion for others and himself.
  • Mirroring and relational work are essential in expanding emotional range and capacity.
  • Embracing and fully feeling emotions can lead to healing and growth. Deep inner work is essential in coaching and therapy, as it allows clients to explore their emotions and experiences.
  • Being seen and understood is a powerful gift that coaching and therapy can provide.
  • Coaches and therapists should prioritize self-awareness and processing their own wounds to better support their clients.
  • Personal development is an ongoing journey that requires continuous exploration and growth.
  • The transformative power of coaching lies in the ability to hold space for clients and support them in their healing and self-discovery.

In this conversation, Joel interviews Graham about his journey of standing for his truth and helping others do the same. Graham shares that life is telling him to stand his ground and trust his own intuitive wisdom. He credits his mentor, Bruce Lyon, for guiding him in this process. Graham's gift is his genuine care and compassion, both for others and himself. He emphasizes the importance of mirroring and relational work in expanding one's emotional range and capacity. Joel shares a personal experience of embracing his emotions and finding healing through Graham's guidance. In this conversation, Graham and Joel discuss the importance of deep inner work in coaching and therapy. Graham shares his personal experiences with healing and the role of a therapist in supporting clients through their own healing journeys. They emphasize the significance of being seen and understood, and the power of holding space for clients to explore their emotions and experiences. Graham also highlights the importance of self-awareness and processing one's own wounds as a coach. They conclude by discussing the ongoing nature of personal development and the transformative power of coaching.

00:00Introduction and the Question of Life's Message
05:45 Shifting and Growing Through Mirroring
09:45 Discovering and Embracing Personal Gifts
16:41 The Power of Mirroring and Relational Work
26:30 Increasing Range and Capacity: Embracing All Energies 
32:09 The Delight of Crying and Integrating Emotions
36:47 The Role of Deep Inner Work
40:49 Navigating Wounding and Projection
46:50 The Power of Being Seen and Understood
55:56 Embodiment and Presence in Coaching
01:02:43 The Ongoing Journey of Personal Development

What is The Elevated Coach Podcast?

The Elevated Coach is a weekly show for any coach who leads with their heart, is driven by impact and wants to play big.

The episodes are a mix of solo episodes with your host Joel Burgess, interviews with coaches at the forefront of the industry and real-life coaching sessions around different areas of business, life and health.

If you want to stake claim to your calling as a coach, and become more powerful and profitable, then tune into The Elevated Coach Podcast with Joel.