Pest Control

As a winter chill settles over Norfork, the trio reunites alongside new friends. But from the haze that connected them, something darker emerges too. And where there's smoke...

Nammi arrives home. Rabbit rushes in. Kelly asks for help. Skidemour makes a deal.

(Content Warnings: guns, blood, description of wounds, fire)

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Keeper - Sam Richardson (@Laggardson, He/him)
Kelly, The Crooked - William White (@kwilliamwhite, They/them)
Nammi, The Divine - Sam Darr (@mossyauthor, She/They)
Rabbit, The Shapechanger - Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse, They/them)
Skidemour, the Monstrous - Frannie Morrison (she/her)

Billy (they/them) -
Agent of Dranja. Petite Black person with short light pink hair.  Hawthorne’s partner.
Hawthorne (he/him) -
Billy's partner. Human man that looks like a hybrid between Santa Claus and Blackbeard. Carries an AK-47 strapped over this shoulder.
Heather (she/her) -
Elderly owner of Hothouse Flowers, and it's upstairs tenant. Short curly grey hair and lively, but slightly sunken cheeks.
Butch (he/him) - A shadow that offered to help Kelly get out of a sticky situation early in his vigilante career. Eager to help Kelly like you’re eager to keep a fruit tree pruned and safe from deer.   
Romeo (he/him) -
Agent of Dranja. Calm and assertive. Appears on Earth as a white person with platinum-tipped hair, often chews the end of a toothpick absentmindedly.
Isla (she/her) -
Agent of Dranja.  On Earth, she appears as a Latina woman wearing a loose-knit sweater and a long grey skirt.
Jaamini (she/her) -
Agent of Dranja. On Earth, she appears as an Indian woman with dark brown skin. Wears a bomber jacket and a graphic t-shirt.
Akito (he/him) -
 Agent of Dranja, and attendant of the Myriad Support Group. Nammi's former lover. Appears on Earth as a tall Japanese man with shoulder-length black hair  wearing a textured brown blazer and jeans.
Almos (he/him) -
 Werewolf. Damn good laywer. Dresses in an expensive blue suit that compliments his fur. Chooses to stay in wolf-form all the time. Helps organize the Norfork softball team. Trans-man. Single, in case anyone was wondering.
Carmichael (he/him) -
 Arch-vampire nightclub owner and socialite in The City. Kelly owes him, and he aims to collect.

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Check out the artist who did our cover art!

Audio editing by Sam Richardson (@laggardson)
Audio Mixing by William White (@kwilliamwhite)
Original music by Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse) & William White (@kwilliamwhite)

Pest Control is an actual-play tabletop horror RPG podcast produced in association with AltHaven (@AltHaven_). Our second season uses “Monster of the Week”, a Powered by the Apocalypse system by Michael Sands and Evil Hat Productions. You can pick up a copy here.
Season two, “Norfork”, follows a trio of friends living in the edge-city of Norfork as the community adapts to the open presence of Myriads and the encroachment of The City.

What is Pest Control?

Pest Control is an actual-play horror tabletop show from AltHaven. Join Keeper Sam R, and players William, Jonas, and Sam D as they get lost in fantastical worlds featuring compelling characters, engaging story, and thrilling twists!

Season 1, "Fate", originally ran in 2019 as a livestream on the AltHaven (formerly Queuetimes) main YouTube channel. It uses the Monster of the Week game system. It follows a group of found-family monster Hunters as they set off on a journey across the United States, dealing with the creatures they encounter and drawing ever nearer to the end of the road...

Season 2, "Norfork", uses Monster of the Week as well as a mix of other indie tabletop role-playing games to tell the story of a world where everyone knows monsters exist, and a town that is slowly losing its identity to the enormous neighboring City.