The NoteSpire Music Artist Impact

We all have things in our lives that we "could do", "should do", or "want to do". But the things that take priority and usually get done, are the things we "have to" do. But unfortunately for many music artists, their music doesn't fall into that category. Which may be why you aren't reaching your goals (if you have any goals) or making progress in your music career.

Do you have to make music? Or do you just think it would nice? 

In this episode, host Paul Gibbs shares some thoughts and ideas on how to set long and short-term goals, set aside time each week for working your craft, and be consistent when it comes to committing to that time.

In other words, moving our music to the "have to do it" category, which will help us set, and reach, our goals!

What is The NoteSpire Music Artist Impact?

Hosts Paul Gibbs and Nate Miller talk about topics to help Christian musicians use their gifts and talents to make an impact on their audiences and listeners.