Get spooky with us on our Halloween special review of American Psycho!
Show Notes
Do you like American Psycho? Although originally polarizing to audience in critics alike it developed a much deserved cult following when released on Digital Video Disc or DVD. There it found new life and came into its own commercially and artistically. The movie works both as a an examination of male vanity while also maintaining real genre thrills, justifying these tonal shift by placing the audience into the mind of the main character. The role almost went to Leo but we think Bale has a more bitter, cynical sense of humor. The movie itself is so polarizing most people probably don’t even listen to the message. But we think they should, because it’s not just about the killing and psychotic breaks, but a personal statement of the horrors of 80s corporate culture. Anyways, that wraps of horror month for us.
Fumbler Score 8.8
Special thanks to our guest of honor @jamallen89! for all our links!
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