Out of the Hourglass

Since we are about halfway through 2022, today's podcast features a Mid-Year Planning Status Check! NCG's Director of Finance & Sr. Business Coach, Andrew Amrhein reminds listeners of the importance of keeping a pulse of the metrics and reviewing where you stand in the plan that you set at the beginning of this year. During this crazy busy time of year, how do we take the time to make sure we’re not making decisions that are taking us off track? Andrew highlights the metrics to stay on top of, the conversations that need to happen and gives recommendations for working through the uncertainty of what the months ahead may bring.

We hope that this mid-year status check helps you stay dialed on the health of your organization and sets the tone for a successful second half of 2022!

What is Out of the Hourglass?

Out of the Hourglass, presented by Nolan Consulting Group, is here to help Small Business Owners and Contractors alike visualize their goals, develop their team & build sustainable growth. You'll hear from our panel of NCG Coaches on a variety of topics, guest speakers from top industry resources, Business Owners sharing best practices and a focus on strategies across sales, marketing, business planning, human resources and more. We're here to take you "out of the hourglass" and reach YOUR Summit.