Parade Deck Friday Playlist

Since Fleet Marine Force Manual 1, Warfighting, was first published in 1989, it has had a significant impact both inside and outside the Marine Corps. That manual has changed the way Marines think about warfare. It has caused energetic debate and has been translated into several foreign languages, issued by foreign militaries, and published commercially. It has strongly influenced the development of doctrine by our sister Services. 

"This book describes my philosophy on warfighting. It is the Marine Corps' doctrine and, as such, provides the authoritative basis for how we fight and how we prepare to fight...I expect every officer to read--and reread--this book, understand it, and take its message to heart. The thoughts contained here represent not just guidance for actions in combat, but a way of thinking in general."  (A.M. GRAY General, U.S. Marine Corps Commandant of the Marine Corps)

Narrated by Alex Liddell 

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What is Parade Deck Friday Playlist?

Every Friday, tune in to the Parade Deck Friday Playlist, a curated selection of episodes from the Parade Deck Military Podcast Network. This playlist is more than just a collection of stories; it's a rhythmic march through the experiences and insights of those who've served. Each week, we feature a diverse lineup of podcasts that encapsulate the spirit, challenges, and camaraderie of military life.