Yah Lah BUT...

The World Happiness Report 2024 placed Singapore as the 30th happiest country in the world, which made it the top in Asia. Some online commentators were incredulous at the ranking, but is there more to the results than meets the eye? Elsewhere, a Kampong Glam bazaar food vendor was caught in a public dispute with a customer who posted a bad review of their fries. Is the customer always right, or does the vendor have a point?

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Is Singapore REALLY the Happiest Asian Country?

Kampong Glam Bazaar Stall Spars with Customer Over Review

One Shiok Comment

One Shiok Thing

Mics and Headphones from @shure
Chairs from @ergotunechair
Desk from @castlerysg

Edited and mixed by Tristen Yeak

What is Yah Lah BUT...?

The most uncensored conversations about censorable things coming out from the much-censored country of Singapore. Hosted by Haresh & Terence from the comedy house Ministry of Funny.