The Music Authority LIVE STREAM Show

Just So You Know...

Show Notes

Just so you know, the below songs are from Tuesday’s hour three show!  100% Random Play Week continues tomorrow, Wednesday MORNING!  7-10AM ET, 4-7AM PT.  Who will be played here on the LIVE STREAM?  All songs gifts of musical surprises!  The Music Authority LIVE STREAM Show & Podcast...listen, like, comment, download, share, repeat daily on Listen Notes, Google Podcast Manager, Mixcloud, Player FM, Stitcher, Tune In, Podcast Addict, Cast Box, Radio Public, and Pocket Cast, and APPLE iTunes! AND NOW ON MORNINGS IN CANADA!  Hamilton Co-Op Radio! Follow the show on TWITTER JimPrell@TMusicAuthority! Are you listening? How does and can one listen in? Let me list the ways...Listen LIVE here - 
Podcast -  The Music Authority LIVE STREAM Show & Podcast!  Radio Candy Radio Monday Wednesday, & Friday 7PM ET, 4PM PT, Rockin’ The KOR Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 7PM UK time, 2PM ET, 11AM PT  Also, Pop Radio UK Friday, Saturday, & Sunday 6PM UK, 1PM ET, 10AM PT!  June 29, 2021, Tuesday, 100% Random Play…for the week, chapter six…
Jellyfish - 04 - The Ghost At Number One
Jane V SWorld - 11 - B-Grade Lisa Loeb (Popboomerang Records)
Luke Russell - 09 I'm Never At My Best
STEPHEN'S RUIN - 01 Runaround (Big Stir Records)
True Margrit - Deliver Me [Seaworthy]
The Snails - 06 Tide  [The Snails] (Beluga Records)
@The Real Numbers - Internet Famous [IPO Vol 14]
The Bookends - She's Got It (Jem Records)
Rogers & Butler - Poets & Sinners [Poets & Sinners] (@Zip Records)
The Decibels - 15 – Sympathy [Big Sounds Again] (
The Soulphonics - Souvenir [The Dynamic Sounds Of The Soulphonics Of Austin, Texas]
Chris Church - 05 Lost [Game Dirt] (Big Stir Records)
Bullet Proof Lovers - 06 Never Too Loud [Bullet Proof Lovers] (Rum Bar Records)
Tommy Sistak - Away From You And Me [Music For Sale]
Redd Kross - 07 Popular Cult
Luke Fitzpatrick - 08 Where You Are [Sun Songs]
The Flashcubes - All Over The World [Flashcubes Forever] (@Northside Records)
SoulBird - 3 Thank You [Raven Kings]

What is The Music Authority LIVE STREAM Show?

The Music Authority bringing Power Pop, Rock, Soul, Rhythm & Blues to anyone and everyone who has courage, is brave enough to not follow the crowd, the masses (the “M” is always silent!), trusts in themselves enough to listen to SOMETHING completely DIFFERENT! How did I get here....I worked in radio since High School...WCSQ-FM, onto College at WOCC, to the professional commercial world WKFM, WOSC, WGES, WHEN, WRRB, WPCX, WMBO, WCSP, WMMB, WBVD, WIXC, WHKR. Over the years I noticed that music I enjoyed was not getting played and after leaving the industry for 13 years, I chose to come back and serve the music styles I enjoy and hopefully you will too! The biggest question being asked is "What format is The Music Authority?" And The Answer IS..."Whatever I want to play or whatever my friends and listeners ask for!”