PLOW & HOSE Gardening in Central Texas

PLOW & HOSE Gardening in Central Texas Trailer Bonus Episode 82 Season 1

01-29-23 Get Your Seeds! Plant some, start some & save some

01-29-23 Get Your Seeds! Plant some, start some & save some01-29-23 Get Your Seeds! Plant some, start some & save some


It's dreary and cool--hardly inspiring to garden--but Late January/Early February is prime seed season. Lots can be sown outside, plus we can start warm season indoors. Heritage, heirloom and open-pollenated plants & seeds are so important--Julie spends some time talking about biodiversity and the cultural significance of seed saving.

What is PLOW & HOSE Gardening in Central Texas?

Plow & Hose is a show dedicated to joys and challenges of organic backyard gardening in Central Texas. Learn organic gardening and earth friendly practices while getting seasonal planting information specific to Central Texas.