
We sat down with some of the candidates running and asked them the questions that were top-of-mind for other GenZ. In this conversation, we sat down with Val Litwin.

Show Notes

2020 brought many things. It also brought a snap election to BC. The BC Liberal Party faced a substantial reduction in their seat count, their membership, and their good-will with the people of BC.

Fast forward to late 2021 and the party is in the midst of a Leadership Race to determine the next leader of their party, and their vision for the future of British Columbia.

We sat down with some of the candidates running and asked them the questions that were top-of-mind for other GenZ.

In this conversation, we sat down with Val Litwin. Val Litwin grew up in Victoria, BC. His career began in an unusual way – motivated by the post 9/11 world he found himself in during his early 20s. While at the University of Victoria he co-founded the Extreme Kindness movement. Throughout his career, he has started a social enterprise, run his own small businesses, worked in health care, and toured the province advocating for women as the Chair of The Forum (for Women Entrepreneurs). Additionally, he has transformed government policy throughout British Columbia as the CEO of the BC Chamber of Commerce.

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Thread is for those who desire nuanced conversations on complex topics. We produce Threads to create space for dialogue and the free exchange of ideas. We believe GenZ isn’t disengaged because they're indifferent about the world, but because there isn't a place to engage in conversation without extreme polarization.

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What is Thread?

For those who desire nuanced conversations around complex topics.