Invisible to Invincible Podcast: Marketing and Branding for High Achievers

In this episode of Invisible to Invincible Podcast, host Kendra Losee dives into the hidden costs of fear of failure on your business. Explore how your attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors reflect in your business operations, from marketing and sales to leadership and strategy. Discover practical strategies to overcome this fear, including reframing failure, cultivating a growth mindset, and setting realistic goals. 

Learn about the power of visualization, positive self-talk, and finding the right mentorship. If you're ready to face your fears and transform your business, tune in for invaluable tips and insights. Subscribe now and take the first step towards becoming invincible!

Episode Description:
In this solo episode, Kendra Losee dives deep into the unseen costs that fear of failure imposes on your business. Fear isn't just an internal struggle; it manifests in marketing, sales, operations, finances, strategy, and leadership, stifling your business's potential to not only thrive but even survive. If you think your business isn’t a direct reflection of your inner beliefs and attitudes, think again. 

Kendra shares real-world examples and five actionable strategies to help you reframe failure, cultivate a growth mindset, visualize success, set realistic goals, and find crucial support through mentorship and community. This episode is a must-listen for passionate entrepreneurs ready to transform their struggles into a limitless journey of innovation and growth.

Key Takeaways:
1.The Hidden Costs of Fear: How fear of failure impacts different aspects of your business from marketing to leadership.
2. Reframe Failure: Shift your perspective on failure as a negative outcome to viewing it as valuable feedback.
3. Cultivate a Growth Mindset: Focus on learning and growth rather than risks and setback.
4. Visualization & Self-Talk: The power of seeing your success and speaking positively to yourself.
5. Set Realistic Goals: Break down larger goals into achievable steps to build momentum and confidence.
6. Find Support & Mentorship: The importance of having a supportive network to guide you.

Quotes From Kendra in the Episode:
- "Your business is a reflection of your attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, and your values."
- "Dance with your fear, to dance with that anxiety, to keep moving forward and embrace it."
- "Don't let your fear of failure stop you and hold you back anymore."

Actionable Steps:
1. Reframe Failure: Begin to see failure as an experiment and an opportunity to learn.
2. Cultivate Growth Mindset: Identify one thing you learned today and how you can apply it tomorrow.
3. Visualization & Self-Talk: Implement a daily routine of visualizing success and speaking positively to yourself.
4. Set Realistic Goals: Write down small, actionable steps towards your larger goals.
5. Seek Support: Reach out to mentors or peer groups that can provide guidance and accountability.

Tune into this episode to transform your approach to business and push past the fear that's holding you back!

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Resources Mentioned:
- Kendra's website for personalized coaching:
- Book Recommendation: "The One Thing" by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan

What is Invisible to Invincible Podcast: Marketing and Branding for High Achievers?

Gain visibility, clarity, connection (and peace of mind) when it comes to your business.
The Invisible to Invincible Podcast with award-winning marketing expert and author Kendra Losee is specifically designed for executives, business owners, coaches, consultants, entrepreneurs, and even frazzled misfits who know you were meant for more - that you can do more.
Learn how to stop playing small and find the joy and ease that comes from knowing you're working to your highest potential in your business and in your career.

Your host, Kendra Losee, brings over 20 years of marketing, branding, and business expertise to the podcast. She knows visibility inside out, from shaping strategies for major household brands to helping launch startups.

In addition, Kendra is a former social media marketing professor, the author of Digital Etiquette for Dummies, and a certified master NLP practitioner, making her uniquely qualified to be your guide to all things marketing and business mindset strategies.

Today, Kendra combines business expertise with transformative mindset coaching. She works closely with coaches, consultants, agencies, and high-achievers (and recovering high-achievers) to help spotlight their genius and create their business their way.

Connect with her at