No Rules To Live By

Bri and Alicia discuss the topic of spring cleaning. They talk about different aspects of spring cleaning, including decluttering physical spaces, clearing out the fridge and freezer, organizing closets, and deep cleaning. They also touch on the importance of creating openness and removing blocks in both physical and mental spaces. The conversation highlights the value of intentional cleaning and the connection between a clean space and a clear mind. They emphasize the connection between physical clutter and mental clutter, highlighting the importance of creating space for new opportunities and growth.

  • Spring cleaning involves decluttering physical spaces and organizing belongings.
  • Clearing out the fridge and freezer can create space for fresh food and eliminate unused items.
  • Deep cleaning, such as mopping floors and vacuuming under furniture, can provide a sense of cleanliness and freshness.
  • Creating openness and removing blocks in physical and mental spaces can lead to a clear mind.
  • A clean space can contribute to clear thoughts and intentions. Spring cleaning is an opportunity to declutter and organize personal spaces.
  • Maintaining a clean living environment can have a positive impact on mental well-being.
  • Letting go of items that no longer serve a purpose creates space for new opportunities and growth.
  • Donating or selling unwanted items can benefit others and reduce waste.
  • Physical clutter can contribute to mental clutter, so it's important to create space for new experiences and ideas.

What is No Rules To Live By?

Brianna and Alicia weighing all the rules we adopt and shed. Focused on wellness, culture, and cultivating joy. Sharing stories to build connection to the collective.