COMMUNITY SOUP: A Podcast Powered by Community Schools

How Milwaukee Community Schools Partnership is strengthening neighbors families, students, and the community. 

A unique episode; we captured the audio from a live event. In partnership with United Way's EMERGING LEADERS volunteer network Community Schools led a panel conversation that really drives home how the COMMUNITY SCHOOLS model uplifts partnership, collaboration and synergy of community, neighboring and partners, families and school personnel to strengthen our schools and the larger community.

  • Glenn Carson, Director Milwaukee Community Schools Partnership
  • Michael Anderson
    Youth Programs Manager, Wisconsin Bike Fed
  • Mr. Gregory Coleman
    Principal, Clement J. Zablocki Elementary School
  • Cherise Myers
    Director of Community Partnerships, Journey House 
  • Brittney Stevenson
    School Social Worker, Hopkins Lloyd Community School, MPS
  • Dr. Raymond Unanka
    Principal, Browning Elementary School
  • James Wilbern
    Assistant Executive Director, Silver Spring Neighborhood Center

What is COMMUNITY SOUP: A Podcast Powered by Community Schools?

Captivating conversations that amplify voices and the efforts of key individuals, organizations, and stakeholders that are working to promote the work of Community Schools, a nationally recognized research based school transformational model. Listen to testimonials and stories that boost the Community Schools signal and best practices from the strategy that is transforming schools one relationship at a time.