The Adoptive Mom

When I started The Adoptive Mom Podcast, I made a list of names that I really wanted to have on the show some day. They were big names of incredibly influential people in the adoption world. Today, I can cross one of them off my bucket list.

Korie Robertson was on that list because I am continually amazed at how she lives out her family’s adoption story in subtle but influential ways. Always just living it out in grace and love and letting us all have a glimpse into how she does it.

Even though Korie and her husband WIllie had a huge platform in their hit tv show, Duck Dynasty, all 3 of their adoptions happened off-screen, so they got to just casually showcase their family and life, and influenced countless adoptions because of it.

I am so excited for you guys to listen in on this amazing finale’ episode with sincerely one of the nicest people I’ve had the pleasre of talking to, Korie Robertson!

What is The Adoptive Mom?

The Adoptive Mom Podcast is a show for mamas (and dads) in the trenches of adoption, those considering and walking toward adoption, and the tribes that support us through this wild ride.