Ethics in Marketing

In this episode, Mikhail and Luiza talk about the role marketing and advertising play in the data privacy ecosystem, the other side of narrow targeting available to marketers on advertising platforms, the ethical implications of marketing activities built around data collection, harms to individuals and society produced by neglect of privacy, how to do marketing while respecting privacy, whether privacy can be a selling point, and more.

Show Notes

In this episode, Mikhail and Luiza talk about the role marketing and advertising play in the data privacy ecosystem, the other side of narrow targeting available to marketers on advertising platforms, the ethical implications of marketing activities built around data collection, harms to individuals and society produced by neglect of privacy, how to do marketing while respecting privacy, whether privacy can be a selling point, and more.

Luiza graduated in Law from the University of São Paulo, completed her LLM at Tel Aviv University, and is currently doing her Ph.D. at Tel Aviv University on privacy and fairness. In 2020, she was awarded by the President of Israel the "President's Scholarship for Excellence in Science and Innovation" for her Ph.D. research, and in 2021, she received a Westin Scholar Award from the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP). Luiza is the founder of The Privacy Whisperer, the largest independent privacy publication on the internet. You can follow her daily posts about privacy issues on Linkedin and on Twitter.

What is Ethics in Marketing?

A podcast for marketers who strive to become more ethical professionals. We discuss all aspects of ethics in marketing. We examine marketing tactics and tools, and unearth ethical issues. We explore questions like: how can we recognize ethical grey areas? What does it mean to be an ethical marketer? And how do we translate ethical awareness into ethical action? This podcast brings together interviews with marketers, academics, business leaders, ethicists, and authors.