It's Not About Food Podcast with Laurelee Roark

Compassion is the necessary foundation for all healing. When we can have compassion for the parts of ourselves that we dislike the most, we can let go of the debilitating shame and self-hatred we have caried for so long, and use our compassion to bring love, understanding and then, if necessary, change.  

Connie Sobczak

Connie Sobczak is the author of Embody: Learning to Love Your Unique Body (and quiet that critical voice!), and Co-Founder of The Body Positive, a nonprofit organization that teaches people to listen to their bodies, learn, and thrive. In Connie’s 2021 TEDx Talk, Embracing Your Critical Voice: The Gateway to Self-Love, she shares her painful yet powerful journey to self-love, and offers ways for others to get there as well.
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What is It's Not About Food Podcast with Laurelee Roark?

It's Not About Food podcast is about learning how to love and accept the body you have, re-learn how to eat intuitively and to know how to take care of your emotions.